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Tea Aluminum Foil Bag
Tea Aluminum Foil Bag

Use plastic bags orAluminum Foil Vacuum BagThe method of preserving tea: good choice has sealed and for the installation of food plastic bags, the material is a little thicker, high density is better, do not use a taste or re-production of plastic bags. In the bag of tea after the air should be squeezed out as far as possible, if you can use the second plastic bag reverse sleeve is better, transparent plastic bag tea should not shine on the sun. ToAluminum Foil Packaging BagThe principle of tea filling is similar to that of plastic bags. In addition, will buy back the tea bag packaging, sealed after the device in the refrigerator, and then in batches of brewing, in order to reduce the tea after opening and contact with the air opportunity, delay the production of quality deterioration. The paper relates to the separation method of aluminum foil bags, which belongs to the technical field of solid waste separation and metal recovery.






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